Wednesday, 10 May 2017

Edtinig pt. 3

So finally I was animating on top of the footage! I have already had some experience with it back when I was playing around with the footage i made with Katy after the firs session. One thing that bothered me then was the video quality would look worse once its gone through Flash export but I came up with a way of animating on top of the video without having damage the video quality. I realised this back when I was in Lille than you can export the animation as a transparent png image sequence. So basically I would import the the footage I would be animating on into Flash, do the animation and export the animated layer as a png image sequence and pot it on top of the footage back on Premier without ever loosing any quality. I did in pieces just save time rendering a big chunk, it made the process  a lot quicker.

This method was really good for editing as well because since the animation was transparent and in a separate layer I could apply effects to it. So at time when i wanted the animation to come a live a bit more I would enhance the glow. So overall the footage animating part was fairly straight forward and easy since I already did some testing beforehand.

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