Monday 24 April 2017

Finishing up the first chorus

After my initial test animation I really like the aesthetic of it and I have received really great responses about it so I decided to keep some off it animated from there. Basically I animated alongside the music illustrating the words or just following the beat, to keep the animation synched, I re animated some stuff if I was not happy with it, ultimately I think this took up quite some time to get the aesthetic that I desired, but overall I am really happy with this part because it is explosive and suits the music perfectly.

Animatic Development

After the last session with Katy I realised I needed to develop my animatic to make it more specific because it was too vague at this point. I needed to work out how much more choreography we needed to created. So I worked with he footage I had and filled in the story line. So basically the first part is introducing the live action version of the dancer and the chorus introduces an animated one, which can morph and move the way the live action one cant. The second verse shows the two worlds parallel to each other (animated and life action) and culminating in the two of them colliding and the dancer becoming whole, as she is both animated and live action. The last part you can see the the dance feeling contempt and the environment changing around her. In the end she falls down and when the camera zooms in you see her face glitch to create a feel of closure.

Monday 3 April 2017

Research: 1million Studio

I dicovered 1 million studio not long ago when Major Lazer (the band whos song Im using|) released a new single and made a dance competition for it. Basically the idea was to submit videos of original choreo for the song and the winner would be featured in the video. Major Lazer shered some cool videos of the contestants on their site, so when I was looking them up I found this video-
I fell involve with the choreohraphy. It was loose where it needs to be and its on point with the beat but above all else the dancers look like their enjoying it. Not a major fan of the dab in the beginning but the little swooshing move at 0:22 made me replay it like 1million times. That movement when one foot is on its toes, the other one on its heel and they switch in between makes it look like they just glide through the dance floor.
After wards I was hooked so I looked up their other videos and I haven't found one I wouldn't like. You can tell that the dancer are insanely fit because it takes a lot of muscle power to lock something mid movement, not to mention some of the floor work I've seen in the other videos.
Another video I that really caught my eye was Gold.

At first I thought it was a bit too sexy and show girl like for my taste, but the more i looked at it, the more the dance seemed like some high fashion model poses from an editorial magazine. And the synch with the music is so tight and on point is like the song is piercing through the dancers. My favourite part for some reason was the little walk to the side move on 0.57, it just made the lyrics pop "without ever letting you know" like very syllabus of every word was a movement. 

Another video I was obsessed with for a but was Never Be Like You

To be completely honest, most of the reason I love it is because of the song. It has been one of my favourite tunes for a while and it never accrued to be you could actually dance to it. So it just straight a way hit a note with me. The choreo over all is nothing I haven't seen before just basic arm and leg popping and not much else but I guess the song does most of the work for me and makes me love the dance. I guess it's one of the cases where the music wears the dance not the other way around.