Monday 24 April 2017

Animatic Development

After the last session with Katy I realised I needed to develop my animatic to make it more specific because it was too vague at this point. I needed to work out how much more choreography we needed to created. So I worked with he footage I had and filled in the story line. So basically the first part is introducing the live action version of the dancer and the chorus introduces an animated one, which can morph and move the way the live action one cant. The second verse shows the two worlds parallel to each other (animated and life action) and culminating in the two of them colliding and the dancer becoming whole, as she is both animated and live action. The last part you can see the the dance feeling contempt and the environment changing around her. In the end she falls down and when the camera zooms in you see her face glitch to create a feel of closure.

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