Thursday, 6 November 2014


Pixilation is a stop motion technique, the way I understand it, it is just stop motion animation but with people or actors. We were given a brief ad asked to produce a pixilation exploring one of these relationships-
Predator - Prey
Host - Parasite
Parent - Child
I personally had a really hard time coming up with ideas relating to these relationships AND involving people in to it. But finally chose predator- prey. In nature this relationship is a vital feature of the food chain and prey feeds the predator. But in a civilized sense I think of the predator as a manipulator. In that way, there are various predators in our daily lives, and sometimes we aren't even aware of it. In television for instance, there are subliminal message that manipulate people by leaving messages that only subconscious mind picks up. That makes viewer the prey. But I wanted to explore this topic in a comedic way so I made Subliminal Mexican. First of all I started with the storyboard-

then made the actual pixilation, and added the sombreros and what not on Flash. And after a few painful crashes and mess ups this is what I managed to put together-

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