Tuesday 7 February 2017

First Choreography session

So finally Katy and I had our first choreography session. I picked because she has a few years of training in classical ballet also I knew she is a person I can trust. We started off by listening to the song and coming up with some moved we would like to do. The lyrics say " let me escape in your arms" Katy suggested the arms movement going around her head as if she is hugging herself, and when it came to "baby Im yours" I wanted it to look like she's struggling, like she's being vulnerable and hurting, longing for the missing half so I came up with this move that its as if she is hit in the heart and hitting her fists to the side and tilting her head according to the little sound in the music.
One thing we stablished was that Katy needed some practice with loosening up in some parts, her posture was like soldier and I wanted her to be more like rubber, just being the puppet of the music instead of controlling everything. We did some hip hop exercises to give her a feel of what I want when I say loosen up. But overall it was really good session. I managed to film the progress we've done and afterwards I was curious to find out what it would be like to animated on top of the footage-

Basically I just uploaded the video onto Flash and then flash makes it into frame by frame by itself. So just make and additional layer on top and boom you're ready to animate. So that was fairly simple. It just took a lot of patience to animate because the movement in real life is a lot slower than when you animate stuff so I kept having to slow my animation by putting more in-betweens. I also did some brainstorming for the concept work and figured I might as well play around with some the shot I got.

 This is actually a shot of the onion skin from actually animating those squiggles on flash. The animation looked not so cool but I liked the pattern it made. I figured It would be interesting to animating on the floor trying to animate in perspective.

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