Wednesday 22 March 2017

Crit Session

Lately I've been in a bit of a slump with my final project. Mainly because I could not book out a studio for a while. But a general lack of motivation was big factor as well. We had an animatic crit session and I kept putting of making the animatic because I was really confused with what I should do with it, mainly with the live action parts, especially when I don't even know the choreography yet. but since I had to bring something to the session I needed to finally figure it. The animatic I came up with is a rough place holder but it is definitely something to work from. Annabeth talked about how the animatic can be a building ground for the animation and as we animate parts of it we could just drop it into the animatic and it will give it more context also a sense of the story. I felt like my animatic was really rough and rather a place holder than an actual base for the animation but the crit session definitely made me realise how much more I need to work on it just make animating and project management easier for myself.

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