Monday 1 December 2014

Classical Elements: part one

We were recently briefed with the new module called Animation:Process and Production. Basically the purpose of the module is to develop an understanding of the animation process and and practising it. We were given a task to create a short 2d narrative using one of the four classical elements- water, fire, wind and earth. We were introduced to the stages of creating an animated piece- pre-production, production and post production.
Shortly after the briefing we started researching and generating ideas. to be honest, ideas did not come easy to me so I decided to research all four elements. I chose water because I found a quote by Bruce Lee that really inspired me- “You must be shapeless, formless, like water. When you pour water in a cup, it becomes the cup. When you pour water in a bottle, it becomes the bottle. When you pour water in a teapot, it becomes the teapot. Water can drip and it can crash. Become like water my friend.” It really made me thing about the fact that water is so versatile in the sense that it adapts to anything. It can change shape, form, consistency, it can travel. In a way life constantly changes everything around you and all you can do is adapt, juts like water. If you do so you just might find your way and purpose. So I came with the idea of personifying water and making it go through a journey, adapting to to what ever comes in its way and in the end finding out what it's true purpose is- it's giving life.
So my next step was thinking of the processes water goes through for instance: water+heat=boil=steam=cloud+cold=snow=icicle+melt=puddle, so that was basically the basis for the narrative.
When the water is first poured in a cup its happy the way it is, but all of sudden a flame appears and makes the water boil and as a result steaming out of the cup and turning into a cloud. The cloud isn't happy with the changes but the it realises that it can travel around, what it could't do when it was in a cup. Ads the cloud travels, it gets cold and starts snowing, it ends up becoming an icicle that gets picked up by a kid. The kid starts licking the icicle and the icicle melts into a puddle. The puddle is angry with the kid so it turns back into a cloud and tries hit the kid with lightning.  The amused cloud continues to travel and discovers a wilted flower. The cloud then decides to sacrifice it self to flower by watering it and therefore giving life.
Here is a rough storyboard:

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