Monday 1 December 2014

Classical Elements: part two

Looking at my previously posted storyboard I realised that it is too long. So decided to round it up, because there was no way I could put all that in 20 seconds. So what I did was, I took out the middle part of the story and went straight to the point which is watering the flower. I'm really sad that I had to take out so much of the storyboard because I felt like it was a really good story.
Well anyway, I made a new storyboard and refined it a bit:
But there are still a few details I'm not sure about, for instance, if there should be any colour involved. However one thing I am sure about- the technique I'll use to make it- classic hand drawn pose-to-pose. I really liked it when we were trying it out back in the Animation skills module so I decided to pick that up and try to apply what we already learned.
After the storyboard was done, I went on making the animatic-
After receiving some feedback I decided to change the animatic a bit by extending the tween on the cloud while it reaches the flower and the zooming out shot when it water the flower. I'm also considering making the cloud grey, just so it could empty out like a cup while watering the flower and pop like a bubble when it's empty, because it might translate better the idea of the cloud sacrificing itself.

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