Thursday 8 January 2015

The Zoetrope

The Zoetrope or The Wheel of Life is on of the many pre-film inventions that are linked to animation. The Zoetrope is a cylinder that turned in motion creates a deception of motion, through the vertical slits on the sides and image sequences inside. Apparently a similar device id found to created around 100 year BC. But the basic cylinder formed Zoetrope was invented in 1833 by a British mathematician William George Horner who was aware of the previously invented and very similar Phenakistoscope. They both work on the same principal but the Zoetrope is more convenient for viewing.
These days there are 3d Zoetropes who apply the same principal but using 3d figures. Now they are used in several animation themes exposition for instance by Studio Ghibli (in the Ghibli museum in Tokyo) or Pixar (which was first shon in the Museum of Modern Art).

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