Thursday 26 February 2015

Visual Language: Take 5

BOOF! New brief! Im really excited for this because I already have a few ideas.
Basically we were asked to pick five sound effects and make abstract drawings illustrating them and the based on those drawings make 5 animations for the sounds.
Most of the sounds I came across sounded really cartoony so I decided to keep a single style throughout the work. I chose bright cartoony colours, but I decided to approach the sounds as lines and depending on the sound, make a differently looking line, the direction of the line shows tone, the shape represents the sound, if there is a few layers of sound, I tried deconstructing it into different lines.
Then i used the drawing as plans for the animation, so basically I took a dot trough the path of the drawn line, synching the motion with the sound.
 Here is the end result-

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