Friday 2 October 2015

The Message *boopidy boop*

When I read the message I immediately imagine someone dramatically receiving a note, with intense music and a detailed close up, the character unfolding the note and revealing the so called message to be something useless like "You stink". So that's what we went for. My partner had a brilliant idea of making it within the lines of cyber bullying, since it is a very relevant topic these days, it seemed like the way to go, and the the idea of messaging back and forth would give some ground for the gags we want, like voicing the phones ringtone and making it angrier every time the victim receives a message. The action takes place within a school classroom during a lesson, where the two characters (the victim and the bully) can interact not only through messaging, but in real life as well. A lot of close ups to the characters reactions and weird sounds, all inspired by psychicpebbles work, like Dragonzball P and Hellbenders. Since we want to take a cartoony approach style wise, Callum proposed we use the same technique as used in The Backwater Gospel- 2d drawn layers and textures applied on a 3d body
This technique seems perfect for us as we want to play with character expressions a bit more than our 3d animating abilities allow us to. Something like this-

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