Monday 26 October 2015

The Message: Storyboard and Animatic

Once again Callum and I divided up the workload, I took up story-boarding and he did the animatic. So I started off by making a rough storyboard with posted notes. I tried to keep it as simple as possible, because there really is no need for elaborate shot framing and camera angles so most of the action is going to be happening in the same shot: the camera is going to slightly move to one side or another, focusing on the foreground or the background, which ever is relevant at that moment. So basically just manipulating the depth of field. The first thing that we considered might pose a problem would be the background characters/students. But we immediately agreed they would just be 2d cut outs, as well as the teacher in the begging, when trying to establish that the action is taking place in a classroom and that the wimp is a good student listening to the teacher, sitting in the front row. We agreed on making the classroom in Maya just as 2d plains like walls and ceiling, and as for the characters just make 3d models with blank faces and leave the expressions for post production.

Then I went through the storyboard with Callum and he suggested to take out the first two frames because it might bet better to just start with no establishing shot, and it would start with the nerd immediately. But apart from that, he seemed to like it so I proceeded in refining the storyboard. And here is the end result-

Afterwards I handed this to Callum and he made this lovely animatic-

So far so good!

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