Friday 2 October 2015

Telling Tales- Let's get this started!

So we were recently briefed on our first project this academic year, and unfortunately- we have to work with Maya. Don't get me wrong, I think it's really important to be as flexible as possible when it comes to ways of animating, but Maya is a real headache for me. So we were told that we need to produce a 3d character model and a 3d animation and *plot twist* we have to work in pairs. I haven't had a chance to work in a team yet, and assuming professional animation requires a team of animators, this experience will really come in handy. I'm really happy with the partner I paired up with because we both have a certain aesthetic tendencies about our practice and so far we seem to be on the same page about everything, so it's exciting to see what we can create. We were given a list of titles to choose from for the animation- my partner and I had a quick brainstorm and decided to go with The Message because from all the ideas we had, this one seemed the most appealing to play with. It did not take long until we agreed upon the approach we will take- a humorous one. To be a bit more specific, something like this-
Because why not

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