Tuesday 8 December 2015

Character and Narrative: finishing off

So for the final stage of making the demo charcater I had to do some final housekeeping. Basically it was just grouping everything nicely on the outliner, making sure everything is in it place. Locking off some of the attributes (I tried doing that, but I liked the freedom of modeling my character with no restrictions so I left it as it was), making the key attributes for the fingers (I did that on my bully, but I did not seemed to be working, so I passed on that) and Parenting everything to the master controller. However if you just parent it does not work properly, jus it was a matter of going to the Orient>Contrain and schoose Scale. So it allowes the master controller scale both the mesh, controls and the skeleton, which otherwise does not scale.
Now it was a matter of making a pose and setting up everyting for the rendering of a turnaraound which was really easy and fun.

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