Tuesday 8 December 2015

Finshing off the animation

On high sprits my partner and I proceeded with the last stages of post production. After finishing drawing all of the stages we put everything together on premier and worked out how much time we needed to fill. There was a few second missing so I went back to the scenes and streched the a bit, in some places drawing more animation on it. After we had a solid minute of animation I suggested to end the animation as if it were trailer and put the title in the end with dramatic sound effects. Callum like the idea and he gave me the green light to proceed with that idea. The next day we moved on to sound recording. It took quite a bit of rehearsing but we managed to record all the sounds we needed. My voice was a bit too feminen for the bully so I have changed the pitch on the audio editing software. After recording the sounds I moved on to editing and cutting all the sound effects and putting them onto the final animation. Some of the sounds were recorded too quetly so I had to inhance the sound myself and fade it out or in where needed to fit it in with the timing of the animation. After putting all the sounds on the animation,I was finally relieved to send Callum the finished thing and he liked it. Finally we are ready for submission, and I am proud to submit the finished project!

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