Monday 8 February 2016

Applied Animation: Interviewing people

So when we were briefed we were told that it is good practice to have consent forms signed when we take interviews especially if it is children under the age of 18. We were also advised to stay as organised as possible- make a schedule, divide the work, make a script and stick to it, also we were shown how professional studio budgets look like which was very useful to understand.
Ollie did a great job of drafting the consent form:

And then we made a work schedule we would have t stick to, and outlined the most important dates:

So afterwards Ollie and I talked about who we want to interview and how we would do it. We agreed we would interview our families and since mine is Lithuanian it would demonstrate more of a variety of people interviewed. We also managed to agree the questions we would ask during the interview, which were:
What is your traditional family dinner?
What does the traditional family dinner mean to you?
Is it important?
The tutors had an idea to start off with easier questions just so the person we were interviewing could have a chance to warm up. So went back and added some questions:
What is your favorite food?
Why is it your favorite food?
What would be your favorite food to eat with family?
What is your idea of the the traditional family dinner?
Can you tell me some nostalgic stories about food with family?
What is your perfect dinner? (Covering food, setting, and people)

We went to the AV suite, took out a dictaphone and learned how to use it. First of all Ollie interviewed his dad, I was really excited about it as the interview was very lighthearted and nice so I felt like we are getting somewhere. Then we went on going home and interviewing our families. After a week or so we came together to see what we had and we realized we were behind schedule. After cutting up the interviews we had to be rootless with what we kept and what we threw away. Ollie  had a lot of good material which made it hard to choose from, so we felt like if we had any time left with this project we could make it longer and put in what we left out.
Afterwards we decided on the pre production work were going to do- I am in charge of character design and Ollie- background design. And as for animating, I would be in charge of the key framing and Ollie would do the in-inbetweens. Since we were happy with the interviews we decided we were ready to move on with  creating characters to play out the interviews.

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