Tuesday 16 February 2016

Responsive: What's The Problem?

To what extent  will the briefs allow you to meet your criteria for success within the module? 
I believe the briefs will help me better understand what I want to do in this industry, as this module progresses I want to establish a focus point of what I want to do when I finish this course. Also I have not been much of a team player since now. I believe the module will help me find myself in a team and how to coordinate workflow between other people, not just myself.
To what extent will the briefs benefit you with regards to the benefits of entering competition briefs?
It will help me plan out my time better, as we have to juggle between projects and briefs from the other modules, I feel that this year I began to discover how important it its to schedule your workflow and stick to the schedule. Also it will help me expand my experience and knowledge of the industry.
Any problems that you can foresee with the briefs in relation to the issue discussed in the session.
With the loop de loop competition, I find it the hardest to loop the narrative. As Sara mentioned in one of the lectures, usually a story has to either end on a plot twist or a loop. Plot twists are easier for me, where as in loops you have to consider the concept in whole so it makes sense when it loops, that it is a never ending story. With the Do It In Ten brief it is definitely difficult to come up with a story for ten seconds. I usually have ideas that would be time framed within a few minutes. It is hard to simplify my ideas and produce something captivating within only a few seconds. However, the attention span for my generation is most definitely from 10-20 seconds. I myself don't bother watching a whole video if it is more than 3 minutes long. Unless something interesting happens within the first few seconds, so I can see how the brief would benefit me from that point of view. Just to illustrate my point-
Also the question What's The Problem?  for some reason reminded me of this flowchart-
And then I thought it would be relevant to this blog if I edited it to illustrate whatever I was talking about. But rather ironically I realized my attention span is alarmingly low and I should not be spending my time like this... 

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