Tuesday 16 February 2016

Responsive: Project Proposals

So at this Responsive session we were given some tips on how to disseminate briefs and how to tackle them, also how to make project proposals:

  • Set clear aims and objectives. So the objectives would be how am I going to do it and the outputs. The specific aims would be outcomes and the impact upon whom or what and also there are the overall aims which are at the very top of the pyramid. This would consist of intentions and impact.
  • Be SMART ( Specific , Measurable , Achievable , Realistic , Time Conscious).  Details- exactly what needs to be done.Achievements can be measured in terms of units, or specific success criteria. The resources, scope and scale are within your capabilities or capacity.The objectives is possible to attain – which is important for your motivation. The period of time, target dates, schedule or timetable is clearly defined.
  • Use words from your brief
  • Justify the need for your proposal. Show what research you have already done. Who needs it?Why do they need it? What evidence can you provide to support your argument? What circumstances have created this need? Don’t make empty statements
  • Describe your audience. Demographics, locations, lifestyle. Which industry?What values do they have?Why will they engage with it?
  • Describe your motivations. What are your goals? What are your ambitions? What are your success criteria? What are your values? Political standpoint. Environmental concerns.Social factors.Economic factors.
  • Consider the reader. Make your proposal easy to read by: Using a professional template, using the appropriate tone. Not repeating yourself to pad it out, asking two people to check your grammar and spelling before you submit.
  • Eliminate vagueness. Some words to avoid:Unique, nice, special, normal, bland, sleek, definitely, awesome, gay, basically, essentially, totally, interesting, utilize, like, get, got, I, chance, actually, really, truly, amazing, everyone, never, always, things, life, a lot, good, bad, cool, whatever, went, boring, trendy, stylish, maybe, individual.
  • Visualize the ending  
  • Assume nothing 
    that the reader of your proposal knows nothing about you, your skills or the context of your project. Explain everything.

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