Thursday 24 March 2016

Orchard Pig: Brainstorming

So after we have done some initial research our next step was to have a brainstorming session. So Wing and I sat down and wrote down a few of our ideas-
1.The notorious pig- gangster pig smuggling cider into the farm.
2.Famous movie scenes but with pigs
3.Pigs making cider.
 With the first one we thought we could do an animation or a series of posters responding to the way the client described itself in the brief "Notorious P.I.G." which referenced the Notorious B.I.G.,the hip hop rapper. So the first words that come up when you think about it is "gangster, bad boy". That is how we came up with the idea.
The second one, Wing came up with. She thought it would be clever to reference pop culture, since the brand is going for a contemporary approach and it would nicely play to the target audience. However I thought the main flaw with this idea was where to does the cider part fit in?
And then after talking about the first one we talked about the farm, what we imagine it's like, what do the animals do. Then we though about the cider making process, surely enough immediately we made the connection between animals and cider= animals making cider. But then we thought it would be even better if it was just pigs making cider because it would be more of a response to the brand than the theme.
After we discussed how we could further improve the ideas and build from them, shortly enough one of them seemed better than the others so we picked the last one, because it provided more space to be creative. We thought we could make a series of posters showing the old techniques and ways of making cider and then from those posters make a series of gifs which could be useful in web advertising. So we had an idea we were happy with and we ran with it.

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