Wednesday 16 March 2016


So for animating I went with Flash again, because I am comfortable with it and I feel it was the quickest way to it done.
So I broke the character down in to parts that will be animated and the parts that won't. The one that weren't were turned into symbols,  which was the body and and the head. I did move the slightly but I did not have to redraw them whenever I would move them. The hands I had to animate frame by frame. After I animated the pulling hair action all it was afterwards was just mirroring the scene.
 (The character deconstructed into symbols)

(Animated character. Eyebrows, mouth and hands animated separately)
(The animation work space with the animated backgrounds)
As mentioned in the last picture I have animated the backgrounds by cutting out the windows of the car and making a looping animation on a layer beneath. I did not encounter any major issues while animating so in not time the animation was complete and ready to submit.
Here is the final piece:

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