Wednesday 13 April 2016

Do it In Ten: Animating TRANSITION

So without any big planning or pre production work I went straight to animating. I decided to divide the 10 second timeline into four parts giving equal time for all of them. So for the baby part of the animation the items i chose were a milk bottle, a pacifier and a par of baby shoes because for me the shoes represent comfort, milk bottle represents the dependency to the care taker and the pacifier because only babies use it, so they basically define this period of life. As for the backgrounds yet again I kept it simple however I made them change colour so as to amplify the tradition and if you look closely enough the background goes through the colour spectrum coming back to where it began thus closing the circle. For the childhood part I have picked a football representing games and fun, a teddy bear representing innocence, a book representing learning and candy for curiosity. For the adult part there's a briefcase bills and coffe representing priorities, responsibilities and energy. In the last section there are glasses- wise dome, cane- physical health and medicine because honestly just needed something small for the composition.

With this project I worked in the same method I worked with the Animated Self animation I did last year. I just set up the main sections and in between animated lines flying around and finding their way into the shapes. This animation did not take me that long to make but I actually enjoyed it very much. As soon as finished it was submitted and on the Do It In Ten page.
So here is the final animation with the soundtrack-

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