Wednesday 13 April 2016

Do It In Ten: Idea generation

the process or a period of changing from one state or condition to another.
"students in transition from one programme to another"
synonyms: change, move, passage, transformation, conversion, adaptation, adjustment, alteration, changeover, metamorphosis; 

I understand transition as evolving. Life for instance how a caterpillar becomes a butterfly or a tadpole changing into a frog. Transition is a beautiful thing and it is everywhere in nature. Plants and animals transition as well as the weather. The seasons transition into each other thus constantly changing- the old make way for the new, thus continuing the circle in life. As I was thinking these things I thought about the transitions we go through as we live our lives. What are the main periods in life and what kind of changes distinguish the?
So I thought the main stages of life is newly born, child hood, adulthood, and elder age. The reason I though new born is a stage of life is because it is a very delicate age which we may not recall but which definitely shapes us in more than one way. That is when our subconscious starts gathering information and grasping together parts of our surroundings, putting together what is what. It is a very delicate age when we are entirely dependent on the care taker and even the slightest discomfort is the biggest pain you have ever felt. Then comes the child hood- curiosity, exploration and molding yourself into who you will become. As children are still being taken care of they have the freedom of exploring life without the responsibilities or routine of adult hood. And them adult hood is the period of responsibilities, regenerating, taking care of others. The elder age is wisdom and truth. The experience life has provided you with it is your duty to carry on your knowledge onto the young and thus making way for them.
I thought this was an interesting idea to explore the transition of life, but without using characters because there is only so much you could fit into ten seconds and I wanted to animate something nicely instead of making a lot of pre production and not executing it properly like the last time with the fox idea. So I decided to represent the different stages of life through the stuff we use. 
As I made a few sketches I went on to animate it. To be honest I did not spend a lot of time on research and sketching with this brief because I wanted to concentrate on the animation itself.

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