Sunday 10 April 2016

Orchard Pig: Mascot Design part one

We were nearing the end of our poster part of the project and planned on animating the posters, so they could be modestly animated gifs and they could be used as internet adverts. As I showed our work so far to my brother he gave me a few pointers on the composition and such. Another thing he suggested was to have a reacquiring character, like some brands have characters to help advertise the brand like cereals have their mascots for example Captain Crunch or Tony the tiger of Frosted Flakes. This suggestion stuck with me and I started thinking if we were to make a reacquiring character what it would be like for a cider brand. And then I thought about cider, where and when would I drink it and the first idea that came into my head was a football game. Then I thought about cheerleaders and mascots in sports games and obviously I made the connection of  making a mascot for Orchard Pig because it would play out perfectly for the brand as Orchard Pig takes part in a lot of festivals and such. When I ran this idea through Wing she looked up what Orchard Pig sponsors (events and such) and found that they sponsor a football team which was perfect. We agreed that we would scarp the idea of making gifs and do a mascot design instead as it would serve a more meaningful purpose. I also suggested to make another poster featuring the mascot. We both were happy with the the new direction we've taken so we went on designing the character.
As Wing deigned the background for the mascot poster I went on doing the design for the mascot. Recently in a restaurant I work in I was asked to wear a mascot costume and take part in a PR event. While doing that nit only I realised what kind of an effective and cheap PR it was but I got actually wear a macot costume which gave me a lot of ideas on how it should be constructed and made. Ad for the PR side of the mascot, it was amazing that everyone wanted to pictures with the mascot and post it on social media and a more intimate way of networking was taking place. All of these things in mind a made few sketches.

Since Wing liked the first two sketches I mad the last two as reference Imagery for the 3d modeling. Also for the last two I used Illustrator, because apart from wanting to try it I thought it would be more accurate to make it in vectors as I wanted to make it as accurate as possible so the 3d modeling process would not be more difficult than it already is. After this, Wing handed in her finished background design and I incorporated the mascot pig. This was the final result.

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