Thursday 19 March 2015

Environmental Storytelling: part one

We were asked to draw a venue or a place (or three of them to be exact) which we weren't familiar with. One of them however could be a familiar place, so I started with that one.
I drew a place that I spend fair amount of time in- my work. However drawing a restaurant during work hours is challenging, because I could no really draw the main venue, just the staff rooms and places. I did however manage to draw one of the dining areas because it was empty at the moment. But I could not experiment with different drawing materials because I did not have the time or the conditions to do so. I did the images with a pen and pencil on paper, however one of the drawings was executed on a place mat because I did not have my sketchbook with me at the time.
It was ver interesting to examine my surroundings and putting it into paper. Here are the results-

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