Thursday 19 March 2015

Visual Language: Form, Flow, Force

Finally we were asked to do life drawing! I was really excited for this one. So basically we were asked to draw a few quick walk cycles, some poses of pushing and pulling, stretching and squashing and the longer poses. It was really exciting try and draw a walk cycle when every pose changes after 10 seconds and also play around with different media:

For these one I picked a pen because it's just quicker, when the poses change so quickly you need to use that time efficiently and not dipping your brush into water colours every second.And then trying to draw pushing and pulling-
For these one I picked charcoal and marker because I had a bit more time to mess about but I wanted the line to be spontaneous and lively, not static.
And these are the longer poses-

Overall, fun task, but above all else helped me realise how importance it is to pick appropriate media and how to manipulate lines and tones to get a dynamic looking result.

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