Thursday 26 November 2015

Character and Narrative: Animating

So I have finally started animating my bully! The first problem I have encountered was when importing my character into the stage, when moving it forward or back it kept shrinking. One of my peers suggested to check if I somehow locked some of the attributes or tied them together, since I had poor understand of how to check that, I ended up going through all of them and unlocking them. And luckily enough it worked. Then I learned how to set up the lighting and camera and how to manipulate the workplace and not get lost in it, for isntance confusing perspective mode and camera mode
(perspective mode)
(camera mode)
With all that set I started animating the character. What seemed really tedious to me was making a key frame for every seprate joint. For some reason I imgined that you can select the character make a keyframe, move it a bit and make another keyframe and Maya would figure everything else out. But appearantly it doesn't work that way, you have to keyframe ever joint seperatly. So to start off with I did a simple scene where the bully is loughing at the nerd, so all it required for the bully to do was to point a finger and move his shoulder a bit.
In render view I have noticed that some of the character were black and I fugured that the issue was the project was not set up properly. I was given a workspace but not the whole project. But that was not a diffcult fix, so I've set up the project and reatched all the texture to the characters.

 I asked Callum to help me with the render so it was consistent to what he has done with some other scenes, so we went through the shadows and lighting and adjusted it a bit more. After starting the batch render I was frustrated to find out that it was rendering the wrong camera angle, I had trouble figuring out why, but Callum noticed that there were keyframes set for the camera, so after deleting those and setting up the camera again all was good and I left it alone to render. Can't wait to draw some faces on that later!

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