Thursday 26 November 2015

Character and Narrative: backround characters

Regarding the last critique session Callum and I decided to include the paper cut out idea on the backround characters. At first I suggested we make them as 2d plains and put them up on maya, but Callum insisted we do the as 3d because it would look better. I raised a cocern that it might extend the rendering process so we decided to rty it out and see how it looked. Callum made the 3d mesh and I did the UV textures for them. When we put them into the scene they seemed to look really good, and I noticed that in one of the scenes with my character loughing at the whimp, the backround character would look really bad if it were in 2d, so we decided to stick with it. After some more research into facial expressions I decided to make every character diffrent not only in their faces but in shades of clothing and such, both Callum and I were happy with the way the backround character looked-

And this is how they look on the mesh-

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