Thursday 26 November 2015

Test Aimation

This week we focused on making the short peiece of animation look as finalised as possible for the crit session. Callum managed to render out a whole 6 seconds of animation and I took over with the post production. I also figured that the timing on the animatic needed a bit more work so I suggested to voice it, to see if it could give us a better feel of timing. We done some test recordings and decided to use the sounds we made for now, but I really want to re-record it later on. As for the faces, I've put up the rendered out images on Flash and drew the faces on frame by frame. To be honest it felt really good to animate in 2d again so I did not mind spending a bit more time on it and it looked good too!
Callum was happy with the 2d faces so we decided to stick with that way of animating them. Afterwards I have put everything together on After Effects and tried to play around with sounds as well. Felling really happy with the animation so far, can't wait to hear the feedback!!

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