Tuesday 17 November 2015

Character and Narrative: spooky scary skeletons

Well not really spooky, but skeletons non the less. So we finally started making the joints for the mesh. It was actually really straight forward, just clicking and dragging and you have your joints really. But the one thing that was important to keep in mind was not to do it in perspective mode, because as soon as you turn the angle, you can see that the joint is actually all over the place.

So we did from the side and corrected the position of the joint from the front, and vice versa. We also made the hips dislocate joint

Its handy if your character wants to do Elvis sort of hip shaking, apparently.
Come to think of it Beyonce would be a better example
To be honest I don't know what I was so afraid of when we started doing 3d, I thought it was going to be absurdly difficult and would involve some kind of high difficulty mathematics and rocket science and maybe a medical degree, but apparently it is going really well so far and its really simple.I have not struggled with anything, and I was not tempted to destroy maya and the redo everything again.Although it is too early to say, let's see how this goes...

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