Tuesday 17 November 2015

Character and Narrative: model me like one of your french models

So decided to leave the demo character and proceed with my own, since I was not working alone on the project and we had a schedule to follow with my partner. So I started modelling the character. I started off with putting up some reference images, as I mentioned earlier I found them extremely useful.  Then making a cube and extruding on wards. I kept the geometry really simple and as Mat pointed out later, tried to avoid triangular faces, because they might cause problems. I skipped the forearm roll and the forearm as well. However, even though we were suggested during the interim crit to maybe cut off the legs, I decided to do them anyway because I wanted to learn how to do it and they weren't that complicated on my character anyway. But I did save a lot of time with not making the jaw or the eyes.

So far the bully is coming nicely into shape, and I have not encountered any problems with modeling. Actually I really enjoyed it.

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