Monday 9 May 2016

Applied Animation: Animating the Surgeon

So for the last critique session I had the surgeon scene key framed and ready to animate. When it came to actually animating I could not find the key frammed version of the scene and I had one file that would not open. So basically whatever I had ready to animate was gone. Thankfully I had the keyframed version exported to a .mov file and could look it up. It was nearing the dead line and I was a bit puzzled as I did not know what to do: if I should try and re animate it and do as much as I could or call it a day turn in whatever I had at this point. I went to Mike for advice and I am really glad I did. Mike suggested I try and finish this project as much as I can without break myself over it, I figured the more I did the more points I would score so I went back to the surgeon scene, re did it according to the .mov file I had. At this point set the key poses and went on animating the face. I though if the face was animated and I did not have time to do the in-betweens of the key poses the animation would still look alright, after all, there are plenty of animations done in this way like Neurotically Yours

At this point the animation was looking alright, not the way I wanted it to be animated but the best I could do under these circumstances. 

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