Wednesday 4 May 2016

Applied Animation: key framing pt. 2

After Ethan's scene I moved on to the doctor/meat lover scene. This one was quite long and took a bit more time to do. However I still had the list and reference videos to work from so key framing was a no brainer really. Yet again I rigged the character into body and head (no legs in this case because the character is placed from the waist up) and for the arms again I've put place holders so as to not loose proportions or the positions of the arms. I have also put in the eyes, because they would be very easy to animate and worse comes to worse not even necessary to animate. I was still waiting for the finished backgrounds from Ollie, but they were really easy to place so I did not see the necessity to rush him.  So everything was pretty much the same as key framing Ethan, not really complicated, very efficient and I really think I have set it up in a way that it could passed onto any other animator and they would know what to do without me being there to explain it. So I am really satisfied with the work done so far. Here is the key-framed doctor scene:

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