Wednesday 4 May 2016

Applied Animation: Another crit session!!

Recently we had an interim critique session to show off where we are at with the project and get some feedback on what we are doing right or wrong. We showed off what we had, which was stye key-framed Ethan scene and key-framed doctors scene and some further character development I did. It was not much but it was enough to get some really good feedback. Once again the general reaction seemed to be positive, the one thing I took from it was to every now and then animate the body of the character as well so as to make it a bit dynamic. I thought that was a good suggestion and that we should put it through into the files we have so far. We were also asked if we would work on the animatic, but I thought there was no point in that because every interview sets the timeline and we just worked straight around the audio. All in all it was a benefitial session and we get on with our work straight after.

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