Monday 9 May 2016

Applied Animation: Finishing up

So as the animations were almost finished I left it up to Ollie to finish up the Ethan scene and do the titles. I fixed the composition on the surgeon scene because the character seemed to be out of frame so I converted the whole character animation timeline into a graphic symbol and just moved it around the composition until it looked good. We had a bit difficulty deciding on the title but we went for a simple solution: FOOD it is the one common theme among the three interviews so that is what we went with. Ollie decided to put some background sounds in the animations. I thought it was a great idea, but i was mainly beeping sounds- the heart monitor sound effect and the NASSA transmit ion sound effect added up to too much beeping in my opinion, so did not agree with the choice of sounds, but we decided to ask Martin and he said the sound effects seemed to suit the animations and that we should leave them in the animation. Also when the whole animation was rendered out I was not happy that the astronauts interviews were compressed and looked pixelated. Ollie said that was due to me giving him a .mov file instead of an image sequence. So I gave him an image sequence and it was a quick fix.
By the time the video was fixed I finished the DVD cover:

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