Wednesday 4 May 2016

Applied Animation: setting up Astronauts

So throughout the pre production stages I felt like the astronauts were a bit niglected because apart from me no one could understand the interview. I did translate it and make titles for the whole interview so Ollie could help and pick what to use and what to lose. I figured that Ollie could not animate it as well especially because he could not understand it so we both agreed both it was up to me to do them. So I used the same methodology for the astronauts, rig them into symbols, tween the symbols I'm not animating frame by frame and then do the rest frame by frame. The first thing I thought was important was neat housekeeping. I named every layer and grouped them according to their function, I took this from the character and narrative module where Matt was constantly going on about keeping everything organised, because it might be annoying at the moment but in the long run it really pays off because if something goes wrong it is so much easier to find it and fix it.
So this is how my scene set up look like. As I was animating I kept my library as neat as possible as well:
So as you can see I rigged my character the same way: body and legs are symbols and the rest is going to be animated frame by frame:

Everything is set up and ready to animate!

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