Monday 2 May 2016

Applied Animation: Reference Videos

We decided that we need more research on how the character should act and what kind of body language the should portray. So we went ahead and made some reference videos. We memorized al the interviews by heart and acted them out recorded it. To be honest at first it was really awkward because both of us had no clue how to act, but after an hour of so of trying and failing we warmed up and got into the zone. As funny as it was watching Ollie act out a kids interview we were actually very considerate and serious about what we were doing. For every time we filmed there was at least 5  trial takes. By the end of the session we knew all of the interviews by heart like prayers. It took us a while but we got some great material out of it. For the surgeon, I would imagine mid twenties guy who's a bit really charismatic and well passionate about meat. It really got us thinking more specifically about what to animate. Since we made a big library of reference, we went through them and analysed all of them, second by second and put down a list of behaviors or body language we will use from the videos:
And here's a few of the reference we videos we made:

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